Dear @everyone,
I would like to start of by saying sorry for not giving you any information about the network and what is going on for the last couple of weeks.
We will improve and try to make this network a start of a really nice and cool community with a ton of features that will be intoduced when finished for the gamemode that we currently have.
I will be using the forum a lot more now for new updates, changes and new announcements about our network.
The server trailer we made is online now! I hope you like our trailer, it shows our Towny and Skyblock gamemode with a couple of features.
Trailer can be found
here.Gamemode:As for today we have a great new gamemode on the network named:
SkyblockThis is a gamemode where you start on a (small) flying island above the void, start with the basics.

Skyblock will be updating a lot in the next couple of weeks, suggestions can be given on our discord server in #suggestion
(Click here)The features that are live when the gamemode will be launched at
23th of Oktober, 16:00 (CET) will be:
- Minions
- Custom crafting recipes
- Spawners
- Advanced island panel
- Heaters
- Farm Orbs
- Crates
- Leaderboards
- In-game shop
- In-game Rankup system
- Mines
The first gamemode was more a mess then something great for ourself, this due being thrown into this gamemode without knowing anything about these plugins.
Applications:The applications are back!
We are recruiting:
- Developers
- Helpers
- Builders
- Youtubers can contact me on discord for now, make a ticket on our discord with the category: Management.
All of the above ranks are availablefor now, but not paid jobs.
Keep in mind that we can't accept everyone and we accept as much people as we need for the community, if our community grows player wise the rest will grow to.
Because of this we are willing to make a lot of things happen on skyblock, thats why CodingWarrior and I are asking all of you to stay with us, help us and give us another chance. We are very exited about skyblock, we can make a lot happen on this gamemode.
As said before, We are going to make sure that skyblock will be updated a lot in these couple of weeks. With new features/adjustments/bugs and suggestions from our community, yeah you!
As for now, thank you for reading. Thank you for being with us and are willing to be with us until the end.